Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2019 est attribué à POPOJEDEM! pour le film ‘’Good Catch!’’ il irq représenter Prague contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2020!
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2024
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2022
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2021
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2020
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2019
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2016
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2013
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Prague 2011
Robin or Radka Ženkle - unemployed
Robin Ženkle nebo Radka Ženklová - nezaměstnaný, nezaměstnaná
Take things as they are.
Ber věci tak, jak jsou.
a wrist watch
náramkové hodinky
- Winner: Good Catch! by POPOJEDEM
- Winner: Sirens by Electric Dinosaur Films
- Winner: Ve skříni / In the wardrobe by No Stress
- Winner: Good Catch! by POPOJEDEM
- Winner: Sirens by Electric Dinosaur Films
- Winner: SázkaxLáska by Peaky Blinders
- Winner: Ve skříni / In the wardrobe by No Stress (Aleš Bílík)
- Winner: Good Catch! by POPOJEDEM (Adéla Koutná)
- Winner: Pro tebe, brácho by Aeroškola crew (Marek Vašina)
- Winner: Hospodyňky by Nabalkoně
- Winner: Ve skříni / In the wardrobe by No Stress
- Winner: Sirens by Electric Dinosaur Films
- Winner: Resistance by Fancy frequency
- Winner: Last Lunar by VOKE
- Winner: Good Catch! by POPOJEDEM
- Winner: Sirens by Electric Dinosaur Films
- Winner: RADEK JE MRTVEJ by A Team
- Winner: Divine Help by Antonio Margaretti
Antonio Margaretti
Bumbrdlíci školy Michael
Dark Matters
Fustra Lustra
Hlava a nehlava
Lumery Pictures/ škola Michael
Peaky Blinders
ŠTUL film
WR Production
17 Fíkusů
Electric Dinosaur Films
EWD prod.
Fantazie školy Michael
Neomluvené divadlo
No Stress
Random Film
TrashFox production
Unicorns from Prague
A Team
Aeroškola crew
Audiovizuální Crewta
Avale Škola Michael
Fancy frequency
Jiří a Přátelé Filmu
Revenge of the Sloth
Vera a Simian