48 Hour Film Project - San Diego
Announcing the Winners!
After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.
The Best Film of 2024 goes to Cornerstone! Their film ‘’Minutes, Moments, Memories’’ will go on to represent San Diego against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2025!
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2024
- San Diego 48 Hour A.I. Film Project 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2022
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2021
- 48 Hour Global Film Challenge - San Diego 2021
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2020
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2019
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2016
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2013
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2011
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2010
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2009
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2008
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2007
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2006
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2004
- 48 Hour Film Project - San Diego 2005
Brie or Bryan Whiteford - Competitive Eater
“Hold on. I just remembered.”
a Racket
- Winner: Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone
- Frenchie by Dongo Productions
- Rolling For Rizz by IntelleXual Entertainment
- Honorable Mention: The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (tie for third place as awarded by judges; ex post facto 48 HQ required strict no-tie placement)
- Winner: Frenchie by Dongo Productions (Matt Siverston)
- Pulling Strings by state of flux (Tim Bucklin)
- Then Stay by iBuddy Productions (Adhaven Thirumurthy & Jay Lang)
- Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Tyler Marks & Javier Fernandez)
- What the Flavor? by FORA (Angellyne De Perio, Jordan Walker, Alyssa Bucholz)
- Winner: Rolling For Rizz by IntelleXual Entertainment (David S. Dawson)
- Le Shift by Jabronie Pictures X Almost Good Films (Wolfgang Wedemeyer, Amy Fan, Fernando Jay Huerto & Brian Bascal)
- wild by blackhat media (Carlo Fiorillo)
- Goodbye Blue Sky by Let's Get Rolling (Luca Rivetti & Nicole Avila)
- Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Javier Fernandez)
- Winner: Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Javier Fernandez)
- Pulling Strings by state of flux (Tim Bucklin)
- wild by blackhat media (Carlo Fiorillo & Jonathan Stellmach)
- The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (Zachary Colton)
- Rolling For Rizz by IntelleXual Entertainment (David S. Dawson & Jordan Jacobo)
- Winner: wild by blackhat media (Carlo Fiorillo)
- Brie by Ecliptic Entertainment (Matt Benedetti)
- The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (Joel Edwards)
- Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Tyler Marks)
- Rolling For Rizz by IntelleXual Entertainment (Michael Bowles)
- Winner: The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (Zachary Colton)
- Pulling Strings by state of flux (Brian Smith)
- wild by blackhat media
- Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Finn Snead)
- What the Flavor? by FORA (Joseph Carrillo)
- Winner: Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Parker Heath)
- Pulling Strings by state of flux (David Dudas)
- Le Shift by Jabronie Pictures X Almost Good Films (Fernando Jay Huerto)
- The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (Ricky Herrera)
- Frenchie by Dongo Productions (George Ye)
- Winner: Minutes, Moments, Memories by Cornerstone (Abigail Plomondon)
- Brie by Ecliptic Entertainment (Emi Austin)
- The Great Saltine by Film Logic Studios (Osiris Rivera)
- What the Flavor? by FORA (Veronica Moreno)
- Frenchie by Dongo Productions (Caroline Amiguet)
All Of Us Productions
Amalgamated Grommets
Cimitoro Productions
City Knights Studios
Mission Avenue Productions
Pseudo Rational
The Krispy's
A Greek God Entertainment in association with Lime street Entertainment
A United Production
And Company! Productions
blackhat media
Cane Toad Productions
Digital lemonade Stand
iBuddy Productions
IntelleXual Entertainment
Let's Get Rolling
Stoic Squirrel Productions
Sunday Nights With C.C.
Team Roller Pictures
Fab 7 Productions / BrandonSelfPictures
Film Logic Studios
First Drafts
Kick Teamworks
Manawa Kau
Metal Pixel Foundry
Paragon Entertainment
Riley Recruits
Sai Vel Films
Snarky Films
The K Concern
Top of the Show Entertainment
14k Projects
Bokeh Pictures
Dongo Productions
Ecliptic Entertainment
Instant Coffee
Jabronie Pictures X Almost Good Films
state of flux
Team Friendship
The 2880 Minute Movie Makers
The Somethings
The Syndicate
TimeEnds Productions