48 Hour Film Project - San Diego

Chrissy Raven Kilna
Chrissy Raven Kilna
City Co-Producer
Kilna  Anthony
Kilna Anthony
City Co-Producer

Announcing the Winners!

After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.

The Best Film of 2018 goes to Poole Party Productions! Their film ‘’What's in the box?’’ will go on to represent San Diego against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2019!

Fernando or Fernanda Huerto, Lifeguard
That's (That is) outside my comfort zone.
a cardboard box
1st Place: Best Film of 2018
What's in the box? by Poole Party Productions
2nd Place: Best Film of 2018
No Contest by Almost Good Films X Jabronie Pictures
3rd Place: Best Film of 2018
In Time by Bad Cat Films
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Cane Toad Jr.

Chick Flick Productions

Dumpster Fire Films

High Tech High Studios

Map Entertainment

Missing Frame Productions

Mitzi Mayer

RAWMIX Productions

Reactant Films


Tea and Bag Production Company

Team Apex

This is Happening
