48 Hour Film Project - Pittsburgh

PJ  Gaynard
PJ Gaynard
City Producer

Announcing the Winners!

After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.

The Best Film of 2016 goes to Carnegie Screenwriters! Their film ‘’Happy Birthday to Me’’ will go on to represent Pittsburgh against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2017!

Lenny or Lani Saffron, Chocolatier
Maybe I just don't find you funny. <small>(Maybe I just do not find you funny.)</small>
sticky note(s)
1st Place: Best Film of 2016
Happy Birthday to Me by Carnegie Screenwriters
2nd Place: Best Film of 2016
Butterfly by Locust Street Entertainment
3rd Place: Best Film of 2016
The Perfect Friend Request by Goat Milk Fudge
Audience Favorite Group A:
Dark Chocolate by Gaff Tape and a Prayer
Audience Favorite Group B:
Anniversary Road by LPC Films
Audience Favorite Group C:
Real Gumshoes by Blue Knight Productions
Audience Favorite Group D:
Kickstand by EPOS Productions
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Carnegie Screenwriters

Command Pictures

Everlasting Productions LLC

Gaff Tape and a Prayer

Gorlok Productions

Long Knuckle Studios

Reckless Amnesiac

Sliced Bread Productions


The New Century Mercury Players

Well Known Strangers
