Productie Documenten
A very important part of filmmaking are the production documents. Without them your freshly made movie could run into legal issues, and/or not be screened. We’ve got you covered with all of these documents.
Document Deadlines
The Team Leader Agreement MUST be submitted by the Kickoff of your 48HFP event. All other documentation must be submitted by midnight on Sunday. The 48HFP provides an official upload site.
Team Leader's Agreement
1 per team, due before start of Kickoff
This document must be signed by the registered team leader, to indicate agreement to the 48HFP rules and requirements.
Wrap Up Form
1 per team, fill in online, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
We want to know the details! What happened during your movie making weekend?
Team Roster
1 per team, fill in online, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
Not a document per se, but fill it in on your team page. We use it to take names from, in case you win an award, but we also like to see who’s on your team.
Certification Statement
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
1 per team, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
The Team Leader must sign this document to certify that all creative work took place during the Official Competition Period.
Waiver and Release Form
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
1 per cast/crew, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
This is a combined Talent Release and Liability Waiver Form. Each member of the cast and crew must sign a separate form. Remember, this form helps protect you, the team leader, as well as the 48.
Music Release Form
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
1 per song/artist, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
Every song and piece of music must have a signed Music Release Form, signed by the owner and/or composer of the piece. For example, if the song was composed during the weekend, the composer signs the form. If the piece of music came from a music library, the person who purchased the library signs lists the name of the library on the form.
Materials Release Form
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
1 per item/creator, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
This form is used for sound effects, photographs, stock footage as part of a post-production effect (including relevant video filters) and other materials.
Location Release Form
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
This document is not available yet. Please check later.
1 per location, due at midnight on Dropoff Sunday
This form is signed by the owner (or other person responsible) by the location you film your movie.
Overview of SAG Paperwork
Working with SAG AFTRA actors? Follow these steps:
- Read the SAG/AFTRA Paperwork Procedures
- Complete THIS FORM
- Submit the following paperwork:
SAG-AFTRA Short Film Agreement
Signed by Team Leader
In order to work with a SAG-AFTRA member, the team leader will need to sign the SAG-AFTRA Short Film Agreement, as modified by the 48HFP Rider. The Rider means that you do not need to furnish a script ahead of time (impossible in the 48 Hour Film Project, anyway), you do not need to pay a fee to SAG-AFTRA, and you may use volunteer actors.
SAG-AFTRA Employment Contract
1 per each SAG-AFTRA cast - Signed by Team Leader & Actor
To fill out the Employment Contract, the team leader should sign by "Producer" and then print their name by "By". The performer signs by "Performer" and writes their social security number below.
Each of your SAG-AFTRA actors must complete the SAG-AFTRA Employment Contract.
SAG-AFTRA Internet Use Rider
1 per each SAG-AFTRA cast - Signed by Actor
This allows you to put your film on your personal website for resume purposes only. (Other internet uses will still require permission from SAG-AFTRA.)