Announcing the Winners!
After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.
The Best Film of 2018 goes to C2D2! Their film ‘’Antidote’’ will go on to represent Kansas City against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2019!
- US Virtual 48 - Kansas City 2021
- US Virtual 48 - Kansas City 2020
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2019
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2016
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2015
- 48 Hour Film Horror Project - Kansas City 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2013
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2011
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2010
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2009
- 48 Hour Film Project - Kansas City 2008
Wendy or Wyatt McGovern, entrepreneur
Make a wish.
a poster
- Winner: Antidote by C2D2
- Wish by Raconteur films
- Vetter Brothers Filmworks by Vetter Brothers Filmworks
- Winner: TV’s Mike Anderson by Beached Whale Productions
- Winner: Make a Wish by Berkeley Square
- Winner: Antidote by C2D2
- Winner: Antidote by C2D2
- Winner: Wish by Raconteur films
- Winner: Music For All by Outer Road Productions
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: Antidote by C2D2 (Davis DeRock)
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: Thin Air by Lucky Lads Productions (Emily Nold)
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: TV’s Mike Anderson by Beached Whale Productions
- Winner: The Dream Business by Butterfly Ninja
- Winner: Riverbell by Game On
- Winner: Riverbell by Game On
- Winner: Meet The McCrorys by Worldwide Hit Studios
- Winner: Technical Foul by A League of Extraordinary
- Winner: Antidote by C2D2
- Winner: One life, One wish by The Flamingo Wranglers
- Winner: Riverbell by Game On
- Winner: Spy Hard by KU Film Squad
- Winner: Wysh by Lone Haven Films
- Winner: Thin Air by Lucky Lads Productions
- Winner: Music For All by Outer Road Productions
- Winner: TV’s Mike Anderson by Beached Whale Productions
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: Vince Rivers in The Streaming Stalker by Lonesome Sunday
- Winner: Wish by Raconteur films
- Winner: Between two valleys by Blue Boy Cinema
- Winner: Meet The McCrorys by Worldwide Hit Studios
- Winner: The Dream Business by Butterfly Ninja
- Winner: WHY by Gonk Droid Productions
- Winner: Make a Wish by Berkeley Square
A League of Extraordinary
Beached Whale Productions
Berkeley Square
Blue Boy Cinema
Free Radicals
Hastily Made Films
KU Film Squad
Lonesome Sunday
Outer Road Productions
The Flamingo Wranglers
TwoSeam Films
Unwarranted Wilhelm
Butterfly Ninja
Game On
Gonk Droid Productions
Lone Haven Films
Lucky Lads Productions
Raconteur films
Vetter Brothers Filmworks
Worldwide Hit Studios