48 Hour Film Horror Sci-Fi Project - Wisconsin
Annonce des vainqueurs!
After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.
The Best Film of 2024 goes to Coronado Films! Their film ‘’Static’’ will go on to represent Wisconsin against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2025!
Avery or Aaron Rose - Psychologist
“That came out awkwardly.”
a Recorder

- Winner: Static by Coronado Films
- The Song of Lakhe by Pico Blvd Entertainment
- The Blacksmith's Curse by Studio 88
- Winner: The Blacksmith's Curse by Studio 88
- Winner: Anhedonia by Hill Bros Home Videos
- Winner: Static by Coronado Films
- Winner: The Song of Lakhe by Pico Blvd Entertainment
- Honorable Mention: Anhedonia by Hill Bros Home Videos
- Winner: The Blacksmith's Curse by Studio 88
- Winner: Snap by Glass Acorn Studios
- Winner: Mr. Bale by Chameleon Films (Mckenzie Van Oss)
- Winner: The Song of Lakhe by Pico Blvd Entertainment
- Winner: Squatch-Watch by Cedar Cabin Productions
- Honorable Mention: Static by Coronado Films
- Winner: So Others May Live by Life, Like Camera
- Winner: My Heart Belongs To Jessica by Light Switch Moon
- Winner: Anhedonia by Hill Bros Home Videos
- Winner: So Others May Live by Life, Like Camera
- Winner: The Blacksmith's Curse by Studio 88
- Winner: The Blacksmith's Curse by Studio 88
- Winner: Abandoned Sanity by Film Ferret Productions
- Winner: E.V.P. by The Montoyas
- Winner: Snap by Glass Acorn Studios
- Winner: Sirius Beta by Chair on Stair Films
- Winner: E.V.P. by The Montoyas
- Winner: The Song of Lakhe by Pico Blvd Entertainment
Bad Example Productions
Cedar Cabin Productions
Chameleon Films
Coronado Films
Film Underground
Hill Bros Home Videos
Life, Like Camera
Mama Elephant
Neon Perspective
Penny Show Productions
Pico Blvd Entertainment
Pumpkin Pie Productions
Suburban Film Club
Team M
Team X
Chair on Stair Films
Cinesleepover Brigade
Desert Zombie Films
DJP Media
Film Ferret Productions
Glass Acorn Studios
I'm Busy! Films
Indifferent Name Limited
Light Switch Moon
Quality Cat Productions
Rattitude Productions
RedWax Productions
Studio 88
The Guacamole Conspiracy
The Montoyas
Wooden Cricket Films