Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2023 est attribué à Little Red Hen Studios! pour le film ‘’It's Not All Right’’ il irq représenter Okanagan contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2024!
Jordan Frost - Amateur Inventor
“If you're not going to do it, I will” OR “If you are not going to do it, I will”
Wrapping Paper
- Winner: It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Deal With the Devil by Metric
- Winner: DROPBOX by AV Media
- Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- Winner: DROPBOX by AV Media
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- Deal With the Devil by Metric
- Winner: Deal With the Devil by Metric
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Winner: Deal With the Devil by Metric
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Winner: Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- Honorable Mention: Deal With the Devil by Metric
- Winner: It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Winner: Jordan Frost Time Thief by Bradzib Flowers
- Birth of a Feminine Nation by We're not even from the Okanagan
- The Last Note by The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
- Winner: DROPBOX by AV Media
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- The Greatest Invention by EastWest Films
- Winner: The Greatest Invention by EastWest Films
- Catch And Release by Boom Mike
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Winner: Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- DROPBOX by AV Media
- Winner: It's Not All Right by Little Red Hen Studios
- Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- Paperclip by Richard Inc
- Winner: Birth of a Feminine Nation by We're not even from the Okanagan
- Death's Design by Lovely Lads
- The Last Note by The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
AV Media
Boom Mike
Bradzib Flowers
EastWest Films
Knobfield FC
Little Red Hen Studios
Lovely Lads
M&M productions
Richard Inc
The Film Freaks
The Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
We're not even from the Okanagan