48 Hour Film Project - Washington
Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2014 est attribué à Crash of Rhinos! pour le film ‘’Mouse Dad’’ il irq représenter Washington DC contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2015!
- 48 Hour Film Holiday Project - Washington DC 2024
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington DC 2024
- 48 Hour Film Sci Fi Horror Project - Washington, DC 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2023
- 48 Hour Film Science Fiction Horror Project - Washington 2022
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2022
- 48 Hour Film Science Fiction Horror Project - Washington 2021
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2021
- 48 Hour Global Film Challenge - Washington 2021
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2020
- 48 Hour Film Science Fiction Horror Project - Washington 2019
- 48 Hour Film Science Fiction Horror Project - Washington 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2018
- 48 Hour Film Horror Project - Washington 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2017
- 48 Hour Film Politics & Comedy Project - Washington 2016
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2016
- 48 Hour Film Politics & Comedy Project - Washington 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2013
- 48 Hour Film Music Video Project - Washington 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2011
- 48 Hour Film Go Green Project - Washington 2011
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2010
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2009
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2008
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2007
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2006
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2001
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2002
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2003
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2004
- 48 Hour Film Project - Washington 2005
Samuel or Samantha (Sam) Canterbury, Event Planner
You can trust me.
an envelope
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos
- Pursuit by WITfilms
- The Dirk by Tunnel Rat Productions
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos (Vaughn Irving, Melissa Kolb, James Meerdter & Doug Wilder)
- Winner: Miss Fortune by Crowded Elevator Pictures (Big Tony Lazzeroni)
- The Dirk by Tunnel Rat Productions (Igor Dmitry)
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos (James Meerdter)
- Winner: Noir City by The Big Honkin'
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos
- 12000 by Cup O'Meat Productions
- Winner: Out of Touch by DC Dogs (Carlos Garza and Richard O'Meara)
- Re-entry by Serpas Productions (Thomas Johnson)
- Winner: PB&J: The Musical by Major Jet Lag (Brian Steblay)
- Winner: Noir City by The Big Honkin' (Hunter Christy)
- Winner: Miss Fortune by Crowded Elevator Pictures (Brianna Lux)
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos
- Winner: Miss Fortune by Crowded Elevator Pictures
- Winner: The Dirk by Tunnel Rat Productions
- Winner: More Than We Can Chew by Tangent Filmworks
- Winner: Foreign and Domestic by Dupont Circle Pictures
- Winner: Out of Touch by DC Dogs
- Winner: Claire by A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.
- Winner: PB&J: The Musical by Major Jet Lag
- Winner: As is by Obscure Reference
- Winner: Out of Touch by DC Dogs
- Winner: Re-entry by Serpas Productions
- Winner: 12000 by Cup O'Meat Productions
- Winner: Miss Fortune by Crowded Elevator Pictures
- Winner: The Dirk by Tunnel Rat Productions
- Winner: Mouse Dad by Crash of Rhinos
106 Productions
1706 1/2 Productions
Crash of Rhinos
DC Dogs
Film so Hard
Fly By Night Films
Tangent Filmworks
The Famous Makers
The Lookout
Zippy Talkie Inc
Amateur Hour
APCO Orange
Artist Wayfarers
Cup O'Meat Productions
Jamal's Glasses
Mirandum Pictures
Pad Thai Productions
Per Hoel Productions
Peterwagon Films
Ticket to Bollywood
ActinDude Productions
Actors with Strings
Avellino Studios
Bootleg Entertainment
Discordian Films
District City
Just Mezin
Kingdom Glory Works
Laughing with the Storm
Montserrat & Co
No Dice Films
Obscure Reference
Bombax Pictures
Cinema Murcielago
Citra Productions/CVA
East Coast Form
Film Collaborative International
Low Expectations
Redpaw Studio
Steak in a Suit
Sweep the Leg, Johnny!
Taylor Creative
Two Proof Films
Zonkey Pictures
AIW Faculty
Aura Media Productions
Bayou Films
Bizarro Entertainment
Bright Boy Alert
Cavegirl Productions
Hurst St Productions
Imagination Stage Pictures
Planet M
Team ACC
The Hand
Tohubohu Productions
4&9 Productions
Art Studs
Dupont Circle Pictures
El Sinistro
Fill in the Blank
iYou Productions
LackThereof Productions
Pickleback Productions
R Street Productions
Red Devil Productions
Serpas Productions
The Betamacks
The Big Honkin'
Crowded Elevator Pictures
Lucid Gem
Major Jet Lag
Our Film Your Entertainment
Plan R Film
Shankopotamus Designs
Sistine Robot
Taco Briefcase
Tunnel Rat Productions
Unknown Penguin
Untouchable Films
Wilson's Elite