48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane
Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2018 est attribué à The Robert Polsen Experiment! pour le film ‘’The Slot Machine Effect’’ il irq représenter Brisbane contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2019!
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2024
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2022
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2021
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2020
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2016
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2013
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2010
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2009
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2008
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2007
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2006
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2004
- 48 Hour Film Project - Brisbane 2005
Mark or Mara Lockwood, a boss
I just can't wait any longer.
I just cannot wait any longer.
a toy car
- Winner: The Slot Machine Effect by The Robert Polsen Experiment
- Scribe by Sea Monster
- Macchiato Impossible Or: How We Learned to Stop Bickering and Love the Bomb by Arcane Century Productions
- Winner: Macchiato Impossible Or: How We Learned to Stop Bickering and Love the Bomb by Arcane Century Productions (Shane Anderson)
- Winner: Scribe by Sea Monster (Nic Leggat & Doug Lecole)
- Winner: The Slot Machine Effect by The Robert Polsen Experiment (Benjamin Evans)
- Winner: Scribe by Sea Monster (Nic Leggat)
- Winner: The Slot Machine Effect by The Robert Polsen Experiment (Trent Kruger & Eden Guade)
- Winner: The Slot Machine Effect by The Robert Polsen Experiment (Trent Kruger)
- Winner: The Slot Machine Effect by The Robert Polsen Experiment (Mikey Wulff)
- Winner: Is that blood? by CRAZY EVIL (Isabelle Shaw)
- Winner: The Taste of Fame by Unfunded (David Lawrence)
- Winner: Grave` Cafe by Justice League of Lenses (Jennifer Holt & Josleen Hawas)
- Winner: Grave` Cafe by Justice League of Lenses
48hr Party People
Dairy Dreams
Everything is Awesome when you’re part of a Team.
Foath TV
Greedo Shot First
Hamm Productions
Justice League of Lenses
Neon Green Studio
Passion Productions
The David Lynch Mob
The Ogre-achievers
The Spicy Boys
1 million aaaaays
Apsara Studio
Arcane Century Productions
Betty's Poison Milkshake Bar
Crow City
Global Foam Bangers
Molten Bath
Nonsense and Mayhem Productions
Orbital Films
Precarious Production
Salty Fish Film
Sea Monster
The Robert Polsen Experiment
Watchdog Films