Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2023 est attribué à Red Moon Cinema! pour le film ‘’Breaking Constant’’ il irq représenter Bay Area contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2024!
Sam Cedar - Gardener
“You know, I’m just not feeling it.” OR “You know, I am just not feeling it.”
A Pint Glass
- Winner: Breaking Constant by Red Moon Cinema
- Likeness by Barewitness Films
- Zero Trust by Emax Films
- Honorable Mention: Recourse by Lewie productions
- Winner: Breaking Constant by Red Moon Cinema
- Winner: Recourse by Lewie productions
- Winner: Recourse by Lewie productions
- Honorable Mention: Pint-Sized by backlit
- Winner: Zero Trust by Emax Films
- Winner: Hard Bargain by JustOrdinary Studios
- Honorable Mention: C.L.O.S.E.T. by Movie bites
- Winner: Job Hungry by Stubborn Media
- Winner: Breaking Constant by Red Moon Cinema (Jimmy Luong)
- Winner: Jugs Out by Unsung Visions
- Winner: Likeness by Barewitness Films
- Winner: A Short Film Regarding High School Students, Scorpions, & Cashews by Penalty Laps Production
- Winner: The Visitor by Apt. 31
- Winner: A Short Film Regarding High School Students, Scorpions, & Cashews by Penalty Laps Production
- Winner: Shadows of Betrayal by ARCHITECTPICTURES
- Winner: C.L.O.S.E.T. by Movie bites
- Winner: Pint-Sized by backlit
- Honorable Mention: Manslaughter Daughters by Mission Avenue Productions
- Winner: Breaking Constant by Red Moon Cinema
- Winner: Zero Trust by Emax Films
- Winner: A Short Film Regarding High School Students, Scorpions, & Cashews by Penalty Laps Production
- Winner: Zero Trust by Emax Films
- Honorable Mention: The Cowboy in the Corner by Frost & Fog Films
- Winner: Zero Trust by Emax Films
- Winner: Zero Trust by Emax Films
Apt. 31
Barewitness Films
Dial D for Desi
Emax Films
Frost & Fog Films
Mission Avenue Productions
Red Moon Cinema
The Sheriffs
Unsung Visions
Dream Team Films
Gibberish Films
Lewie productions
MMTB- Movie Making Throughout the Bay! Inc.
Movie bites
Penalty Laps Production
TTC Youth
DayLee Films
Dirt Dog Productions
JustOrdinary Studios
Kill Murphy Productions
Real Final Draft
Stubborn Media
We Are Kenough