Annonce des vainqueurs!
Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.
Le meilleur film de 2021 est attribué à Hazel Mill! pour le film ‘’Deliver Me’’ il irq représenter Asheville contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2022!
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2024
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2023
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2022
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2021
- US Virtual 48 - Asheville 2020
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2019
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2018
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2017
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2015
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2014
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2013
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2012
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2011
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2010
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2009
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2008
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2007
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2006
- 48 Hour Film Project - Asheville 2005
Joe or Jolene Detweiler, painter
"I'd really like to know what goes on in that head of yours." OR "I would really like to know what goes on in that head of yours."
A pill
- Winner: Deliver Me by Hazel Mill
- Between Roy Biv by Sabal Studio
- Winner: Peeling Paint by Team Long Shot (Noble Robinette)
- Winner: Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Simon Bonneau)
- Winner: Cardboard Canvas by One-Man Band (David Gwaltney)
- Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Simon Bonneau)
- Winner: Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Simon Bonneau)
- The Dreamer's Plague by Four Brothers Films (Ben Lochen)
- Winner: Remembering Dreams by All Around Artsy
- Winner: Remembering Dreams by All Around Artsy (Robert Gowan)
- Winner: Between Roy Biv by Sabal Studio (Tammy Mattox)
- Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Ronnie Hooks)
- Winner: Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Ronnie Hooks)
- Winner: Between Roy Biv by Sabal Studio (Tammy Mattox)
- Winner: Deliver Me by Hazel Mill (Matthew Thompson)
- Winner: Fantasy Girl by Team Turbo
- Winner: The Medium by The Holophonic Theatre
- Winner: The Medium by The Holophonic Theatre
- Winner: Wedding Bales by Kongfather Media
- Winner: The Medium by The Holophonic Theatre
- Winner: Wedding Bales by Kongfather Media
- Winner: Peeling Paint by Team Long Shot
- Winner: Crimson Mercy by Colony 9 Productions
- Bare by Team Cat Fly
- Winner: Artificial Ink by Artificial Ink
- Winner: Bare by Team Cat Fly (Zachary Gladwin)
- Winner: Remembering Dreams by All Around Artsy (Hazel Gowan)
- Fantasy Girl by Team Turbo (Julia Young)
- Winner: Wedding Bales by Kongfather Media
All Around Artsy
Bone and Brine Productions
Breaking Glass Films
Colony 9 Productions
Electric Eclectic
Hats Away Productions
R&B Horton Studios
Rotten Apples
Short Line Studios
Team Cat Fly
Team Turbo
The Cinemates
The Holophonic Theatre
Artificial Ink
Film Pilot
Four Brothers Films
Hazel Mill
Know Budget Films
Kongfather Media
Last Picture Show
One-Man Band
Sabal Studio
Street Creatures
Team Long Shot