48 Hour Film Project - Columbus

Aaron Johnston
Aaron Johnston
City Producer

Announcing the Winners!

After much deliberation, our distinguished panel of judges has selected this year’s winning films. Congratulations to all of the filmmakers and teams who participated. We are proud to announce our winners.

The Best Film of 2017 goes to Backward Slate Productions! Their film ‘’The Death of Marat’’ will go on to represent Columbus against all the other city winners from around the world at Filmapalooza 2018!

Ian or Ilene Lober, Painter
"I won't let it happen again." OR "I will not let it happen again."
A stool
1st Place: Best Film of 2017
The Death of Marat by Backward Slate Productions
2nd Place: Best Film of 2017
Ianthe by Cineonymous
3rd Place: Best Film of 2017
Ready or Not by GWAP Cheddah Grillz LLC
Audience Favorite Group A:
Beggar's Choice by Island Road Media
Audience Favorite Group B:
A Brush with Death by Millennial Falcons
Audience Favorite Group C:
Ready or Not by GWAP Cheddah Grillz LLC

#2 Productions

10 Ring Films


Clear Ice and the Spicy Rice

Edwin J. Hill


Immeasurably More Media

Island Road Media


Silver Stage Productions

Storytime Pictures
